Russian tourists will be able to get a visa to Sri Lanka for free

Российские туристы смогут сделать визу на Шри-Ланку бесплатно

The islanders love travelers from Russia and always welcome them to visit. For this reason, the Sri Lankan government decided to maximize not only the flow of tourists from Thailand, China, Indonesia and India, but also from Russia. They intend to achieve their goal through “free” visas for visitors from the listed countries.

The Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security of the island proposed canceling the visa application fee. The Prime Minister of the country supported the initiative due to the economic benefits for Ceylon, i.e. Sri Lanka. The authorities believe that more tourists will be able to buy goods and order services. The most promising, according to the government, are travelers from five countries.

The exact time when Russians, Chinese, Indians, Thais and Indonesians will be offered a visa for $0 remains unknown. Presumably this will be announced by the beginning of the tourist season. Let us remind you that now when ordering a visa to travel to the island via the Internet, you need to pay a fee of $50; on the island it will cost $60. After the introduction of a free visa regime, a Russian tourist will be able to save 5 thousand rubles.


Company «Aeroflot» operates direct flights to the Sri Lankan city – Colombo. If you are traveling on connecting flights, it is best to change trains in Sharjah. In this case, a round trip ticket will cost 65 thousand rubles. Another convenient and profitable option for a package tourist – charter to Hambantota.


Sri Lanka is famous for its beaches on the Indian Ocean and resorts with wellness programs. Tourists are shown Buddhist shrines, tea plantations, and are offered safari, rafting, surfing. 

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